Sometimes it's hard to move beyond the scary of food allergy parenting. Sharing a post by guest author Lauren Foti, founder of the @craftroom.nj. Even though her son is almost 10, the hard of his little years stays with her, like a bad dream on replay that bubbles up from time to time. Find out what haunts her thoughts, even today. And find encouragement, too. You're not alone.
This year my son with food allergies will be 10.
But some dreams and nightmares you just can’t shake, like being able to perfectly picture your child’s allergic reactions no matter how long ago. The fear stays. It’s a little less, but it’s there. I remember…
I can't go back to sleep after my bad dream.
I used to have nightmares about forgetting to study for a test or sharks, but these days my bad dreams usually involve my two and a half-year-old son eating something he's allergic to.
Yep, these are the scariest of them all. Give me sharks any day.
My son’s ANA to milk, dairy, eggs, and tree nuts. My nightmare was that he ate two munchkins. Sounds silly right? But I woke up with heart palpitations.
I know you understand.
On any given day, especially those where we leave our 'safe' home or are with other people, my anxiety levels are pretty high. I can sometimes hide it. But when we’re out and about at gatherings, socializing, I’m always on edge, dreading that someone will touch him with cheese-y hands or kiss him after eating some nuts.
Yes. It's THAT bad.
Yes. He IS that allergic.
He had an asthma attack from being in a Starbucks. Anyone else have that happen? I’m pretty convinced it was the steamed milk – airborne dairy allergy maybe? – along with some steamed tree nut milks or coffees laced with nut syrups in the air. I couldn't believe it the 1st time it happened. And it happened twice. And yes. I hate myself for even bringing him into a Starbucks a second time. My fault. Never again.
Lucky for me, my family and friends, some who have seen him break out in hives from just touching a used, uncleaned high chair, or those who have just heard my stories – believe me.
Isn't it crazy that people still don't believe in allergies? Like we'd choose this life for ourselves, or our children?
Anyway, know that I believe you.
I know you blame yourself when there's a slip-up. I do the same. It is really hard. Give yourself some credit (she says to herself.) But you're doing a great job even though your head is likely spinning as you chase your two-year-old around playdates while the other moms chat, laugh, and sip their lattes.
I sympathize.
And I give you all the respect in the world for even leaving your safe home. Even when you know there are ‘sharks’ out there.
Here's to happy [safe] playdates & sweet dreams.
Just keep swimming. (It does get better.)
About the Author: Lauren Foti and her 3 sons live by the beach in her hometown Cape May, New Jersey. Creativity, fun, music, and adventure are a priority for their family. Lauren has been sewing and crafting for over 20 years and sharing it with her children brings her the greatest joy. Being together as a family, making safe treats, watching sunsets, kitchen dance parties...these are a few of their favorite things. Follow their sweet life at the beach @thecraftroom.nj.
Images: Oleksandr Sushko on Unsplash & @thecraftroom.nj