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the food allergy app—

from Allergy Force

Friends & Family Food Allergy Explanations

Writer's picture: Allergy Force InsightsAllergy Force Insights

Easily Explain Your Food Allergies to Friends and Family

When you have food allergies you have to explain and re-explain your food allergies and cross contact all the time. You're never sure if the person you're explaining it to fully gets it, or not. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to have a consistent explanation you could email or hand off to others to reinforce your verbal conversation, if not spare you a prolonged conversation?

Now you do.

The Allergy Force food allergy app offers a Friends & Family Food Allergy Explanation customized for your Allergy Profile. You can email this explanation to anyone who needs to be in-the-know about your food allergies. You can print it, too.

Think playdates, class parties, sleepovers, birthday parties, holiday celebrations, milestone events like graduations and religious events — so useful!

This is a FREE FOREVER feature that makes every day allergic life just a little easier and a lot safer.

Demo of Friends & Family Food Allergy Explanation

Step-by-Step Overview — Sending Explanation by Email

1. Tap the three dots in the lower right corner of the app Home Page after you set your Allergy Profile. You will land on the More Page.

Two screenshots of the Allergy Force food allergy app showing where to find the Allergy Profile on the Home Page and how to navigate from the Home Page to the More Page in the app.

2. On the More Page, scroll down until you see 'Friends/Family Food Allergy Explanation'

  1. It's the first box in the 2nd row of features under 'EVERYDAY FEATURES'.

  2. Tap the box to access the explanation.

Screenshot of the Allergy Force food allergy app's More Page and where the Friends & Family Food Allergy Explanation can be found on the More Page.

3. When you land on the Explanation, first you will see the food allergens you listed on your Allergy Profile

  1. Next, choose the 'EMAIL' option.

  2. Next, input the email address you want to send the explanation to PLUS the name of the person with the food allergies.

  3. Then tap 'Send' and it's on its way!

Composite image of two screens in the Allergy Force food allergy app that show what the Friends & Family Food Allergy Explanation screen looks like and how to interact with it to EMAIL a food allergy explanation to friends and family.

Step-by-Step Overview — Printing Your Explanation

1. See Step 1 under the Email option above.

2. See Step 2 under the Email option above.

3. When you land on the Explanation, first you will see the food allergens you listed on your Allergy Profile

  1. Next, choose the 'PRINT' option.

  2. Next, input the name of the person with the allergies who is the reason you're sending the explanation

  3. Tap the 'Print' button at the bottom of the screen.

  4. You will be prompted to specify a printer. Select a printer. Then tap 'Print' in the upper right hand corner of the page.

  5. Done!

Composite image of two screens in the Allergy Force food allergy app that show what the Friends & Family Food Allergy Explanation screen looks like and how to interact with it to PRINT OUT a food allergy explanation to give to friends and family.

The Friends & Family Food Allergy Explanation is ‘Free Forever’ for you because you need to be able to easily and consistently tell others about your food allergies to stay safe.

Icon is an outline of three people with a chat box floating above their heads that has a heart in it. It represents the Friends & Family Food Allergy Explanation feature in the Allergy Force food allergy app for easily sharing allergy information.

"Explaining my grandson's food allergies is a fact of life. I love this feature because it makes it easier to organize our holidays when everyone contributes food."

—Carolyn C., food allergy grandparent


Get the App

The app offers Free Forever and Premium access. The Friends/Family Food Allergy Explanation is free when you subscribe. If you decide to upgrade, you can try out Premium during a 14-day, no commitment free trial. We want you to get to know us and trust us. We hope you'll come to love us.

An Apple App Store button that says Download on the App Store. The button links to the Apple App Store where the Allergy Force food allergy app can be downloaded for free
A GooglePlay Store button that says Get It On GooglePlay. The button links to the GooglePlay Store where the Allergy Force food allergy app can be downloaded for free

…empowering you to live your best life with food allergies.

A black and white Allergy Force logo with text that says Allergy Force that is framed by two swooshes. Logo links to Allergy Force's app highlights page at the website.

The purpose of the App User Guide series of posts is to educate the food allergy community about the Allergy Force food allergy app — what it can do, how it works, how to get the most out of it. We're committed to helping you live freely with food allergies — with less fear, less anxiety, more confidence — through technology and education. Our app is peace of mind in your pocket.

Get the food allergy app for Apple OR Android

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