Meet the Founder

Gayle Rigione
CEO & Co-founder
I have a diverse professional background with expertise in strategy and business development honed in financial services, the digital space and the non-profit world.
The ‘can do’ spirit is deeply embedded in my family's DNA so food allergies have never stopped us from living life full on. I've tapped my professional and personal experiences to create tools — technology-based and educational — to lighten the burden of allergic living so people with food allergies can live free with more confidence and less fear.
Mark Twain once said, "The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why." Helping food allergy families live safer, easier lives through technology and education is my 'why '.
Though food allergies may shape our lives they do not define us.
Learn Our Story
The 'ah-ha' moment

The creation of the Allergy Force food allergy app and website was inspired by two things: our food allergic family life and our passion to help people with food allergies enjoy life to the fullest.
Our eldest son — born in the late nineties when the food allergy epidemic was just gathering steam — now only manages 5 allergies versus a much, much longer list when he was little. During a family trip in 2016, on our way to a restaurant, we rummaged in the backpack for our Italian food allergy translation. Found it – smudged, practically illegible, had definitely seen better days. We looked at each other. There had to be another way…and that was the Allergy Force ‘ah-ha’ moment.
We created the Allergy Force food allergy app and website to make food allergic living less stressful, more carefree.
Our app keeps all the information you need to stay safe — from 911 calling and your emergency action plan, to a barcode scanner for reading food labels — right on your phone, all within reach. It's peace of mind in your pocket.
Our website shares know-how and encouragement, equipping you to navigate allergic living with confidence, reassuring you that you're not alone on this journey.
With Allergy Force, you’re in control of your food allergies and prepared for the unexpected.